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Dear User,

This informative note is issued pursuant to art. 13 of Lgs. Decree No. 196/2003 regarding data protection we want to communicate to you that S.S.I. S.r.l. data processor keeps your personal data secure on files in his/her archives.
The handling of personal data complies with the principles of accuracy, lawfulness and transparency wile safeguarding personal data privacy and personal rights.
A)The personal data communicated to S.S.I. S.r.l. are needed for the following purposes:

  • Administrative and accounting purposes;
  • Fulfilment of legal obligations;
  • ransmission of e-mail information and / or commercial invoices;
  • Delivery documentation.

B) The treatment is limited to the following operations and as follows:

  • collection of data supplied by;
  • registration and processing on magnetic media and paper as required by the rules of public security
  • organization of the archives in the form mainly automated

C) The treatment is conducted with the use of appropriate security measures to prevent access to data by unauthorized parties and to ensure your privacy

D) Please note that the data will not be disseminated in any way and will be communicated only to public security, in outside that assumption, your data not will be communicated or disclosed to third parties and will be kept for the time period under the existing legislation.

E) The provision of data is required, as provided for by an obligation of law and necessary for the establishment of the contractual relationship.

F) You are entitled to exercise at any time the rights granted in Art. 7 Decree No. 196/2003 Under Article 7 of the Privacy Code, among others, the right of access and correction, updating, integration and transformation into an anonymous form of data, deletion or blocking of personal data processed in violation of the law by turning to the person in charge appointed by us pursuant to Art. 13, Letter f) Decree No. 196/2003 as data processor, who can be contacted at the following address:

The Data Processor is the company
S.S.I. S.r.l. – Assago


A cookie is a piece of text sent by a web server to the user’s browser. Cookies may perform several functions , such as allowing you to ensure safe and efficient browsing on the website, remembering your preferences, and generally to ensure that your visit to our web site is smooth, reliable and as useful to you as possible. S.S.I. doesn’t collect “profiling cookie” , used to track and profile users while browsing, but only ” technical cookies ” as listed below .



These cookies are temporarily stored on the user’s computer purely for technical and functional purposes, such as the transmission of the necessary session identifiers in order to ensure safe and efficient browsing on the website; they are deleted at the end of the “session” (hence the name), when the browser is closed.



These cookies are considered “first-party” cookies as they are set directly by  sent S.S.I. S.r.l. site. Their use is limited to control the performances and improvement of the website. These cookies collect anonymous aggregate data about the pages visited by users.


These cookies are used to gather and analyze statistical information on logins/visits to the site. For more information


In order to disable/enable cookies from your device, you will need to do this via your Internet browser. We have explained how you may manage cookies on your computer via some of the main Internet browsers below. For information on how to manage cookies your tablet and/or mobile, please consult your documentation or online help files.


In the tools menu, select ‘Internet options’. Click the privacy tab.
You will see a privacy settings slider which has six settings that allow you to control the number of cookies that will be placed: Block All Cookies, High, Medium High, Medium (default level), Low, and Accept All Cookies.


In the settings menu, select ‘Show advanced settings’ at the bottom of the page.
Select the ‘Content settings’ button in the privacy section.
The top section of the page that then appears tells you about cookies and allows you to set the cookies you want. It also allows you to clear any cookies currently stored.


In the tools menu, select ‘Options’.
Select the privacy tab in the options box.
From the dropdown choose, ‘Use custom settings for history’. This will bring up the options for cookies and you can choose to enable or disable them by clicking the tickbox.


In the settings menu, select the ‘Preferences’ option.
Open the privacy tab.
Select the option you want from the ‘Block cookies’ section.

Cookies in this web site

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