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Temporary security management means to entrust highly specialized managers with the management of a company or one of its parts, in order to guarantee the continuity of its organization, increase managerial skills, and solve at the same time some critical points, be them as negative (cuts, economic and financial re-adjustment) or positive (growth, development of new business).

Nel caso del Security Manager la gestione riguarderà la macro area della sicurezza aziendale.  Per il successo di un intervento è fondamentale che al Temporary manager vengano fornite tutte le opportune leve (soprattutto poteri e deleghe, laddove necessario).

A Security Manager manages the macro-area of corporate security. For a successful intervention, it is necessary that the Temporary Manager is given all necessary powers (including mandates and proxies, if necessary). The Temporary Manager is actually a third strategy, in addition to counseling and traditional management, through which the company acquires the necessary resources to improve performance and management skills.

The Security Manager is a reference figure for the organization, management, and accountability of corporate security. From this perspective, this figure must be able to control risks and menaces in relation with the ever-changing scenarios of technology, economics, and finance.

The Security Manager is a professional who possesses a solid background of the specific business and a good command of the techniques to guarantee physical safety, privacy, and governance. Therefore, it is a reference subject who is able to operate within the company in a transverse manner, providing the necessary support and communication with third parties.

The modern concept of security that needs the Security Manager requires a broader scope, which can be summed up with the following fundamental points:

  • Physical security of the infrastructure;
  • Protection of corporate production strategy;
  • Security of critical infrastructure;
  • Computer system security;
  • Control of employee’s fidelity;
  • Control of the information-communication network;
  • Organization of the security activities entrusted to external suppliers;
  • Security policy definition;
  • Top management security.

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Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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