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A patent protects and values a technical innovation, in other words a new product or process which provides a new solution for a specific technical problem. It is a title with which it is conferred a temporary monopoly over the exploitation of the product or process itself, which consists in the exclusive right to produce the technical innovation, have it at one’s disposal, use it for commercial purposes, and forbid its use to those without the necessary authorization.

In particular, the patent confers the owner with the following rights:

  • If the subject of the patent is a product, the right to forbid third parties to produce, use, put on the market, sell, and import the product unless stated otherwise by the owner.

  • If the subject of the patent is a procedure, the right to forbid third parties to apply this procedure, as well as to use, put on the market, sell, or import the product directly produced with the procedure concerned unless stated otherwise by the owner.

It is important to notice that the patent gives the owner no freedom of use or right of exploiting the patented technology, but only the right to exclude other subjects from its use.

Our company, which operates over the entire national territory, provides the investigative tools that are necessary to identify persons or companies which illegally use registered trademarks or reproduce patented assets.

For this type of activities, we put at the client’s disposal our operating structure, as well as the professionalism of our experts, in order to identify the best strategy possible to achieve the business goal and contain costs as much as possible.

Our intervention is performed with legally authorized investigation tools and provides the final investigation report with all the necessary information to prove the offence received. This documentation is then supported by the legal testimony of the license owner as well as our investigative personnel.

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Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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