Keep your company safe: employees, infrastructure, assets, and activities,
with the highest degree of professional integrity.
Access and Issuing Control
Access control for people, vehicles, transport documents, and bordereaux.
First aid fire
Switchboard and Reception
Trained and qualified staff for switchboard and reception activities.
Qualified staff for special events
Operational central management
National Surveillance Network

Careful SELECTION of staff
We focus our attention on the most adequate persons for each specific task, choosing them from a list of professionals previously selected and certified in terms of skills and expertise.

We insert them in the unarmed security activity after adequate training, accompanying them in the initial phases to maximize efficiency, together with a reserve activated when needed.

Once the service has been provided, our inspection structure evaluates it in order to keep the SLA (Service Level Agreement) levels agreed.
We have developed our Network (based on art. 115 TULPS) with great care in recent years, which allows us to provide traditional surveillance, video surveillance and remote alarm services in addition to the design, installation and maintenance of satellite alarm systems, through leader companies in their specific sectors.
A network of structures at NATIONAL LEVEL among the most qualified in their respective specific sectors, which guarantee the achievement of absolute excellence quality standards, effectively, with the rigor and formal correctness of the current security regulations.
A network that provides personalized services on the organizational and operational models of your organization.
Through our network we can promote real purchasing groups thanks to a series of commercial agreements with leading companies in their specific sectors.
Thus our Network allows your company to entrust the complete management of passive and active security services currently provided by a plurality of subjects.
Contact us
Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)
P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737
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