We help you be realistic and consider proactively the possible risks for an adequate protection of your company.
We satisfy the need of mapping, over the territory in which the clients operate, risk areas in terms of active and passive protection. Through a new system of control procedures and an auditing activity scheduled in time, we eliminate all problems. We customize counseling activities in terms of protection or process analysis, according to the specific markets of our clients and shaping the results in relation to reference markets.
Scalar and Open Model
Our model is a scalar and open system whose elements – from analysis to problem solving – allow to manage security problems within your budget, without neglecting vulnerability and the exposure to menaces discovered during analysis phase.
Risk Analysis
Our approach for risk analysis is compatible with most of the recognized methodologies, both quantitative and qualitative, thanks to our prevention and deterrence on field experience.
Netowork of Professionals
All professionals we use come from management consulting, legal assistance, auditing firms, insurance industry, as well as from operational teams and emergency units. Our network of professionals are constantly kept up-to-date in their specific fields and able to guarantee the clients’ full satisfaction.
Proactive approach to safety
For the security of your company, it is necessary to arm yourself of healthy realism and consider proactively the potential and real risks. We provide the necessary counseling to become aware of what is needed to make your company secure.
We believe in a proactive approach for security, through which we can anticipate and prevent the damages correlated to the risks the companies are exposed to. A system which substantially helps improve corporate performance in its entirety.
Contact us
Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)
P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737
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