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The most advanced solutions for Building Security & Automation, which integrate in one single system all aspects of physical and computer security.


We help companies to get an efficiency gain equal to more than 18% of the initial costs, maintaining or even improving security levels. We do that by re-designing corporate services, integrating and/or replacing security personnel, with intrusion detection systems, active video surveillance, access control, computer protection, and fire protection systems.

Our model is a scalar and open system whose elements – from analysis to problem solving – allow you to manage security problems within your budget, without neglecting vulnerability and the exposure to menaces discovered during analysis phase.

Critical points of security processes

We focus our attention on the critical points of security processes, regardless of products and brands, to help clients automate them, in order to keep or even improve security levels and reduce as much as possible the total cost of ownership (TCO) of their systems.

Optimization and Rationalization

The TCO reduction occurs also through the optimization and rationalization of the already present components, and the integration of new ones which together guarantee a long-term cycle of life for the entire system.

Long-term overview

Our capacity of addressing project with a broad and long-term overview.

The network we have developed over the last years allows us to design, install, and manage video-surveillance, access control, fire protection, and computer safety systems, with leading companies and purchasing group prices.


The main risks for companies and their websites include espionage, intrusions, thefts, sabotages, tampering of materials and information, and theft of documents. Everyone needs to protect their company from fires and explosions, but also from cyber crimes aimed at stealing information.

We provide the state-of-the-art technologies for computer safety, adequately selected after in-depth analysis of our client’s needs, for the realization of customized and effective projects which allow to get extraordinary results.

Contact us



Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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