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Today, computer security is a problem that touches any company, from small professionals to big companies, regardless their size. According to several research institutes, the number of companies under attack in Italy is growing steadily.

Cyber attacks are not automatically a synonymous of industrial espionage. They can involve anyone, even ordinary citizens. The attacks which are usually considered serious do not mostly target a specific user, but tend to steal as much information as possible, as cybercrime is not other than the old-fashioned crime but fought with new weapons: the goal is money, regardless the final target.

The alarming level of computer systems vulnerability has already become a dangerous menace for every company: for the professional who sees his data encrypted by a ransomware (a malicious program with ransom request); for a small or medium sized company which discovers with months or even years of delay to have been stolen of its own expertise; for the public company which finds itself unable to provide essential services for citizens; for the great company which undergoes a serious economical damage after a DDoS attack (which overloads a system to block it), or the theft of large quantities of sensible personal data regarding the clients.

By analyzing vulnerability, risks, menaces, or attacks we design and produce customized protection systems for the physical integrity (hardware) and the logic and functional integrity of corporate computer systems, or for the data stored in them or continuously exchanged through communications with the value chain: user, suppliers, and clients.

This protection is obtained through technical, organizational, and functional measures which aimed at guaranteeing the following items:

  • Data correctness (integrity);
  • Data confidentiality (encryption),
  • The physical and/or logic access only to authorized users (authentication);
  • The use of the services reserved to users with the times and modalities indicated in the system (availability);
  • The protection of the system from attacks of malicious programs to guarantee previous requirements.

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Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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