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In compliance with the current regulations and before hiring, these investigations can be used to verify the truthfulness of résumés presented by candidates while applying for a job.

These verifications can be commissioned to our investigation agency, when required and in full compliance of the current regulations, to check the selected candidates before they are hired.

In this way, it is possible to investigate the content of résumés and give the client the guarantee of correct, reliable, and above all verified information.

The investigations, conducted over the entire national territory, are informative and aim at finding documents and other confirmations to verify each single item reported on the candidate’s résumé, such as training courses, previous employment, references, or real reasons for the termination of past professional relationships.

At the end of the investigations, the clients receive the report which indicates the results of our verifications, underlining all critical points and giving the clients the possibility of taking their decisions in full knowledge of the facts.

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Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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