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Our national intervention is performed for all the investigative activities which are necessary to provide documentary evidence for unfair competition cases.

Our intervention, which can be performed over the entire national territory, is to carry out all the necessary investigations to provide documentary evidence for offences done in cases of unfair competition (for example; infidelity of partners, collaborators, managers, and executives, new activities done in competition whose real owners hide behind Italian or foreign trust companies, actions to protect marks or patents, misappropriation of manpower, etc.). This evidence is then put in investigative reports which can be subsequently used in court and eventually supported by the owner of the license, as well as our legally authorized operating personnel.

Unfair competition is governed by the article 2589 of the Civil Code and subsequent amendments, and occurs mainly in the cases indicated below:

  • Use of names and marks which create confusion with the names and marks of another companies
  • Imitation of the form and appearance of a competitor’s products
  • Activities which create confusion with the products and activities of a competitor
  • Spreading of disparaging news and appreciations regarding the products and activities of competitors
  • Appropriation of specific qualities of competitors’ products
  • Violation of professional correctness principles which damages a competing company (for example, industrial espionage, boycotting, employees’ transfer, violation of publishing regulations, etc.)


One of our clients working in the footwear industry has entrusted our investigative agency with performing the necessary investigation after realizing the presence in the reference marker of footwear which were obviously counterfeited with its marks, drawings, and logos.

The investigative activity has been performed over the entire national territory by our operating personnel, and has allowed to identify some shops which were selling the footwear previously mentioned.

Several fake purchases of the counterfeit merchandise have been organized, and every phase has been documented with photos and copies of receipts.

The results of the investigation, together with the purchased merchandise and other elements, have been put in the investigative report which in turn has been delivered to the client.

The owners of shops incriminated have then been convicted for damages and the trademark protection right has been completely accepted by the court, thanks to the documentation provided by us and the legal testimony provided by our personnel.

Contact us



Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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