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The activity conducted for corporate and commercial investigations is aimed at providing the client with the legal evidence to protect corporate property.

According to the labor law, the state of being sick is defined as an alteration of health which causes a partial or complete incapacity of performing the professional activity that leads to the temporary suspension of the professional relationship. During this phase, the employees have the right to keep their job and receive the payment of their contributions and salary, while they are required to not compromise their healing process and be available for possible medical and tax visits.


If employers believe that an employee is simulating a sickness, they can ask the local health authority to perform a tax and medical visit, or require the service of an investigative agency. In this last case it is possible to prove, without any shadow of a doubt, the employee’s misconduct.

Investigations of absentee employees are lawful


If the non existence of the pathology is proven, it is possible to dismiss the employee immediately for legitimate reasons, since faking sickness is defined as a violation of contractual duties which does not allow the continuation of the professional relationship, after breaking the trust between employer and employee.

Absenteeism: the possible actions of the company

Dismissal requires solid evidence, such as the result of a tax visit or the elements gathered by a private investigator.

Our investigation structure provides clients over the entire national territory with the legal evidence they need to prove any contractual violation, as well as the testimony for a possible legal action from our operating personnel.

Absenteeism: how the investigative agency works


Una società nostra Cliente, operante nel settore dello sviluppo software, ci ha commissionato un’attività investigativa finalizzata al monitoraggio di un soggetto loro dipendente assente per malattia per un prolungato periodo di tempo.

L’azienda sospettava che lo stato di malattia non fosse reale e che addirittura il soggetto potesse utilizzare questo pretesto per effettuare altre attività lavorative eventualmente in concorrenza alla Committenza.

Durante l’attività di osservazione il dipendente è stato spesso notato uscire dalla propria abitazione durante l’intera giornata e, spostandosi sempre con il proprio motociclo, si recava presso diversi esercizi commerciali, a cena con amici ed effettuava una partita di calcetto amatoriale.

Il report investigativo che è stato consegnato alla Committenza ha consentito all’azienda il licenziamento per giusta causa del dipendente.

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Centro Direzionale Milanofiori
Strada 4, Palazzo A5
20057 ASSAGO (MI)


P.le Roberto Ardigò, 30/a
00142 Roma
Tel. +39 06 45442737

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